Manipuri boy to receive British galantry award

Imphal, April 9, 2013 [ANI] --- A young Manipuri youth serving as a Lieutenant in the British Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service (RMAS),Special Forces, has been chosen for a prestigious gallantry award for his bravery during a fierce gunfight with Al-Qaeda insurgents in Afghanistan in 2011.

For his act of bravery and inspirational leadership during a fierce gunfight, Lt .Khwairakpam Robin Singh will receive the 'Conspicuous Gallantry Cross', a second ranking award on June 19 in London.

He will also get 15,000 pounds as a mark of encouragement and respect for the act of heroism.

"I can't even express how happy and excited I feel about my gallantry award because I can't believe that such a major gallantry award will be given to me. I am so happy," said the 27-year-old young officer.

"I would like to thank God, my Mom and Dad. I suffered a lot to achieve my goal. I stayed far away from my family and sometimes I couldn't contact them for months. I studied almost without sleeping and I struggled a lot abroad as well as in India," he added.

Born to Khwairakpam Sanajaoba and Kh Memcha Devi, Robin is the youngest of seven siblings in the family. He did his schooling in Manipur before completing his graduation from St Philomena's College, Mysore.

He joined the merchant navy in 2009. Robin is a brave, dynamic and fearless marine officer and serves as Lieutenant in the British Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service (RMAS), Special Forces.

"As a father I am very happy. When he was young I tried to inspire him to become successful and today that dream has come true. I am so proud of him," said Kh Sanajaoba Singh, Robin's father.


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