ZUF to flash out NSCN-IM cadres from Zeliangrong areas

MANIPUR – “There was a gun fight on 7th August, 2018 at around 7pm at Khumji-II (Lukhambi) near Longmai Village (Noney between the NSCN-IM in which a former NSCN-K cadre who was defected to NSCN-IM group namely Mr. Gaibungpou @ Abung, Rajo Peyu was killed. The NSCN-IM cadres who are stationing in the village have been creating lot of problems and cause insecurity for the people,” said a press statement issued and signed by A. Dangmei, Secretary,  Information & Publicity of the Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) on August 10, 2018.

According to the statement the Hebron Camp had deputed so called Special Task Force (STF) numbering around 40 to assists the stationed cadres in carrying out maximum anti-social activities in Zeliangrong areas. They have been involving in extortion of huge amount of money from different companies and agencies that are executing mega projects, imposing a huge amount of illegal tax from all vehicles plying on the National High Way – 37 and collecting as tax from the hard money of the general public in the name of Naga political movement.

“The huge amount of money collected in the name of pursuing the Naga political movement are using in construction of multiple gigantic building, luxurious houses, buying hectares of land in different cities of the country, purchasing costly and luxurious vehicles, accumulating wealth and spending on luxurious things. The culture of lies and deceiving the innocent people by the NSCN-IM for so many years in now intolerable therefore, the ZUF have decided to flash out the NSCN-IM from the Zeliangrong areas so as to keep the Zeliangrong from the bondage of the NSCN-IM,” as mentioned in the press statement.

The old habit and unpopular tactics of the NSCN-IM accusing the ZUF of colluding with the Indian security forces particularly Assam Rifles in order to cover up their defeat and weaknesses whenever they suffered miserably is now well known by the general public as a proverbial goes “you can fool all the people sometime but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.

It further states that the wild imagination and baseless allegation of the NSCN-IM that UNLF supply AK-47 rifles to ZUF or fabricated story of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) shows their complete desperation. The NSCN-IM misusing the Naga political movement with their cheap propaganda just for their own convenient and selfish gain have now exposed in the open when there is no sign of solution even after negotiation for more than 20 years.

The ZUF extends revolutionary arm to all the Zeliangrong cadres who are by mistake served in the NSCN-IM to quit and return to the mainstream to avoid any kind of confrontation among the Zeliangrong brothers. Time has come for the Zeliangrong brothers to assert your zeal, display courage and God gifted wisdom to the NSCN-IM that “you cannot be misused” any longer for valueless cause. The NSCN-IM leaderships deputing “Zeliangrong” to fight “Zeliangrong” is despicable. Such policy of the NSCN-IM is nothing but a desperate effort to sow seed of distrust among the Zeliangrong of which will be a futile exercise.

“The NSCN-IM leadership deputed non Zeliangrong and selective people to gather money which are collected from the various sources by NSCN-IM Zeliangrong cadres but at the time of confrontation and fighting the leadership of the NSCN-IM deputed Zeliangrong cadres which shows the worthlessness to get benefit but fit to die a worthless dead. The ZUF is inconsolable for all those precious lives of Zeliangrong people who had lost their life due to divisive policy of the NSCN-IM therefore, it is not too late to realize the deceiving policy of the NSCN-IM,” the statement added.


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