Kuki-Zomi-Hmar MLAs appeal to Govt of India


Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024.

Apropos of the Manipur Legislative Assembly Resolution of today (Feb.29) seeking abrogation of Tripartite Agreement for Suspension of Operations with Kuki National Organisation & United People's Front attributing respon- sibility to the SoO Groups for the ongoing ethnic conflict in Manipur, we the Kuki-Zomi-Hmar MLAs would like to condemn and place on record our dissent and disapproval to this one sided resolution emanating from prejudice, bias and hatred for our community that reflects a myopic view on the issue.

The SoO Tripartite Agreement was first signed on August 22,2008 and subsequently renewed periodically with clearly laid down Ground Rules. As part of the Ground Rules, there is a strong mechanism in place called Joint Monitoring Group comprising of Central agencies, State Government agencies and the KNO & UPF reps meant for overseeing adherence to the Ground Rules. We would like to question whether the resolution adopted by the august House was based on any report or observations of the JMG, which is the only official mechanism to determine whether any violation of the Ground Rules has taken place or not. This obviously is not the case as the resolution is based on an overwhelming sense of animosity and hatred for a particular community. The Tripartite Agreement was lauded as the harbinger of peace and security in the state when it was signed in 2008, and truly so Manipur particularly the Hill Districts have witnessed a sea change in the security scenario as the level of violence came down drastically in the years that followed.

Successive governments have been taking their share of credit over improvement in the law and order situation in the state owing to signing of the Tripartite Agreement.

The recent signing of a Peace Accord with an UNLF Faction was initiated by the State Government, and the role played by this outfit during this short period in the current violence is widely known to one and all. The august House resolution would have evinced fairness and peace objective if the role played by the valley based outfit cited above too was highlighted as it is a clear case for seeking termination of the pact too.

This resolution was adopted to defame the KNO & UPF and further alienate the Kuki-Zomi-Hmar community as part of the continuing hate campaign.

We appeal to the Home Ministry, Government of India to consider all aspects of the issue in a fair and just manner to check further discrimination and alienation of the Kuki-Zomi-Hmar people.



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